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Saturday, April 25, 2020


FINAL COMMENTS I have found this class very interesting and helpful. So far, I couldn’t understand the idea of the novel and am not able to write an essay easily. This class is great in the fact that am able to organize ideas and write essay on my own. Frankly speaking, I learned so many interesting things that I would not have learned before taking this course. When I was doing BSc in Statistics at Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia; I developed a strong background in the theory of mathematical statistics. However, it was a great challenge for me to write the report of different research projects and to review different research articles. The second thing that I love about this course is to be able to talk with my classmates regarding learning materials such as TED TALK and Jodi Picoult’s Small Great Things. Sharing thoughts is a great thing especially among with your instructor’s and classmates. And hence I love this course which gives me a lot of nice experience to me. Moreover, this class helps me to read ahead and be prepared for upcoming tasks in class, teaches me how to be self-motivated, to stay strong, to never give up. Also, it helps me to know how to use canvas and performing corresponding tasks. In addition to developing skills of writing essay, this class gives chance to develop discussion habits and exchanging views. Both the texts offered to cover the course are useful, and most interesting. It gives me an opportunity to understand novel well and motivates me to read journals and review articles. During the first month of the study time, things not go in the way I expected. I think most international students share this challenge. In the first month of this quarter, in addition to the academic staff, it is also a time to know others around you; struggling to make new friends and learn other cultures. Generally speaking, my first month class was the toughest one. However, the end was grateful. I would like to thank my Instructor for teaching us, for sharing your knowledge, for giving constructive feedbacks throughout this quarter. Last but not least I would like to appreciate all my classmates for being part of such amazing and memorable school life.

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