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Thursday, April 16, 2020

Ethiopia has the right to build Grand Renaissance Dam across the Nile River Can A Biased Mediator Help to Reach Two Countries in Conflict to Reach A Solution? By Kebede Aragaw

Kebede Aragaw Argumentative Essay March 17, 2020 Ethiopia has the right to build Grand Renaissance Dam across the Nile River Can A Biased Mediator Help to Reach Two Countries in Conflict to Reach A Solution? What to do when a conflict is unresolved between two countries? Are mediators helpful? How do you guys solve the problem if two people do not reach an agreement through negotiation? It is obvious that a third party is involved if and only if the two people in a conflict or dispute not reach a settlement between themselves that they can both agree on. Do you think being a neutral mediator has a positive or negative impact on assisting the parties in conflict to reach a solution in a short period of time? What do you think if the mediator took one side to speed up to the agreement? Here I want to ask one question, the importance of being an unbiased and fair mediator to expedite agreement between two parties in conflict? In my opinion, both rushing two parties to reach an agreement in a short period of time and taking one side to accelerate the agreement have a negative impact to solve problems. I can say that listening from both sides before making a decision is essential in the mediation process. Moreover, giving a chance to conflicting groups to discuss how to solve their dispute have great contribution. For instance, I can rise here the current issue that challenges the USA as a mediator about Ethiopia Grand Renaissance Ethiopian Dam with Egyptian. Grand Ethiopian renascence dam is the largest hydroelectric power dam in Africa and the seventh largest dam in the world. Long term study was undertaken before starting the construction of GRED by taking into account the impact on Aswan Dam, Egypt and continuous discussion focusing on a sustainable strategy for water resources management in the Eastern Nile countries that includes Egypt, Ethiopia and the Sudan (AbuZeid, 2020). The foundation stone of the dam was put by former Ethiopian prime minister Meles Zenawi in 2011. The project was expected to solve the electric power problem in Ethiopia and the neighboring countries. Every individual has contributed for the construction of the dam by buying bond and donating money individually and as organization. For instance, students have contributed for the construction of the dam by leaving the meat food for months. Government employees have contributed by giving their one-month salary or more. The dam is under construction in Benishangul Gumuz region which is one of the nine regions of the country. The site of the construction is on the border of Sudan on Blue Nile river, longest river in Africa. The Blue Nile is originating at lake Tana in Ethiopia. The construction of the dam is estimated to more than 70 % complete now. The dam is expected to generate 6000 MW hydroelectric power when complete. The dam is facing many challenges starting from its beginning. The location of the dam by itself is one challenge since it is located at the border of Ethiopia and Sudan in the remote and desert part the country. Employees of the dam have been beaten by mosquitoes. The assassination of the project manager engineer was another challenge. One morning the assassination of the engineer at Meskel in own car at square in Addis Ababa was reported. This created many unrests in the country at large and the progress of the project became at risk. The project continued after assignment of another project manager after at time. The current challenge is the agreement among the owner of the project, Ethiopia and neighboring countries namely Sudan and Egypt on the filling the reservoir of the dam. Since 2014 Egypt stopped to criticize and complaining the negative impact of GERD on Egyptian economy. But by the time, 2018 Ethiopia elected new prime minister, Dr. Abiy Ahmed Ali the Egypt president promised by Arabic language saying, “Ethiopia don’t hurt Egypt.” Egypt fears the GERD dam minimizes the flow of water to the country. The 90% of the economy of the Egypt depends on Nile river (Arjoon et. al., 2014). The three countries have been discussing on the effect of the dam on the downstream countries many times and agreed on the issue different time. But at the last Egypt prepared her own document of agreement without the involvement of the two countries Ethiopia and Sudan. Egypt has been using the river alone for long period of time where other countries are observing her without any advantage from the river. Several times, Egypt and Ethiopia try to solve their problem, but Egypt is not ready to reach the agreement. Later on, Sudan involved reaching the agreement among the owner of the project, Ethiopia and Egypt on filling the reservoir of the dam. The intervention and contribution of Sudan are more appreciated by Ethiopia and still, the Egyptians are not happy. Finally, the United States of America has tried to negotiate on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam, which fears that a dispute between Egypt and Ethiopia could lead to war. Egypt requested the USA to arrange a meeting between Ethiopia, Sudan, and Egypt. Accordingly, the three countries have discussed final filling of the dam, as Sudan supports Ethiopia, the USA almost took the Egypt side and Ethiopia government call USA biased mediator and undiplomatic. Ethiopian Water Minister criticize USA mediating style and said that Ethiopia has the right to build Grand Renaissance Dam across the Nile River without hurting Egyptians interest mainly Aswan Dam. Blue Nile river starts from Ethiopia and Ethiopian largest dam is under construction since 2011. But the Lower Basin countries are concerned about the impacts of their water supply. In the 1932 treaty, the treaty saw Egypt and Sudan give all of them the right to use the Nile water. However, Egypt has expressed concern that 90 percent of the dam on the Nile will take over the dam. The United States government has said that if the parties do not sign the agreement, final testing and water filtration should not begin. Ethiopian Foreign Minister said the US statement was "unusual". He added, “Ethiopian want Americans to play a constructive role. President Donald Trump told Reuters that the United States will make every effort to resolve the dispute. Two weeks ago, USA President Donald Trump told Egypt's president Al-Sisi that the negotiations on the dam will continue to work. To make clear about the Nile river let me say something here. Nile river consists of the Blue Nile and the White Nile. The Blue Nile starts from Ethiopia whereas White Nile starts from Uganda. After the White Nile and the Blue Nile merged in Egypt, Egypt constructed a big dam called Aswan Dam. Since 2011, Ethiopia undergone construction of its own dam. From the lower basins of the Nile river, Egypt accuses Ethiopia by saying construction of the dam would affect the Aswan Dam. Frankly speaking, Ethiopia says constructing the dam is the right of a sovereign to use its resources and the impact of the dam on Egypt is under consideration. Ethiopia’s plan is to consume half of the Blue Nile water content. But Egypt refuses to agree with the Ethiopian dam project under construction. What do you guys think if you are invited to such mediation? What do you think about the decision of Ethiopia? Egypt has located at the lower basin and Ethiopia has at the upper basin of the Nile river. Egypt has already constructed the Aswan dam and has enough power supply whereas Ethiopia has insufficient electricity for the nation. Is Ethiopia’s decision, right? What about Egypt's point of view? Do you think Ethiopia has the right to construct the largest dam while Egyptians need the Nile water for their irrigation? Do you think Ethiopia violate the right of Egyptians? For long period of time Egypt has been using Nile river alone. Egypt is wondering about the impact of GERD on her water supplies quoting, “without the Nile, there is no Egypt.” (New York Times, 2020). To solve the problem communication is key. But after discussion nothing is changed. So, they invited USA as mediator. Team USA is taking Egypt sides. The dispute is unresolved yet and President Trump is unhelpful mediator. The writer’s stand is that a Mediator is helpful if and only if the mediator is unbiased and ready to hear ideas pointed out by conflicting parties. The writer believes in mutual benefit between Ethiopia and Egypt regarding GERD. In addition, the writer recommends Ethiopia and Egypt in ensuring development through working cooperatively on common natural resources and Nile should be a major source of cooperation than conflict. The writer is originally from Ethiopia and his stand regarding GERD as it originates from the principle of equitable and reasonable use of the Nile. In addition to emphasizing this stance, Ethiopia has taken practical steps to ensure the principle of equitable and reasonable utilization of the Nile. Works Cited 1. AbuZeid, Khaled M. "Existing and Recommended Water Policies in Egypt." Water Policies in MENA Countries. Springer, Cham, 2020. 47-62. 2. Arjoon, Diane, et al. "Hydro-economic risk assessment in the eastern Nile River basin." Water Resources and Economics 8 (2014): 16-31. 3. New York Times, 2020 https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/02/09/world/africa/nile-river-dam.html

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