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Sunday, December 20, 2015

I recommend Mimi (I think she was Journalist) analyze social question and that is the question of right, read article proclamations _No matter how Mimi have Negative attitude toward Protestor : She raised questions Concerning I like the way Aba Dula defend eventhough still he lack confidence " Quoting Oromo People Interest for Master plan_ for Polotical Economy Direction "_ Criticizing Media you should taken care of hot issue before reflecting to people! you miss these points. If master plan issue doesn't concern Mimi _should stop criticizing and barking . Unlikely You can hear Puzzled question of Mimi _ For Sure , Mimi Have no role for Master Plan to be Applicable _ she may have advantage if Master plan proposed not Rejected Oh my God Gitim Bilo Yikomal Mimi are you feeling Ok?

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